Welcome to NCC Dte Bihar & Jharkhand
Welcome to NCC Dte Bihar & Jharkhand
Updates on 6th Day of Camp 1.Day begins with a Spl session from Team EXPA , led by Mr Balaji, practicing Sr advocate at Madars High Court ,Sr Trainer of Tranee and Ex NCC Cadet with YEP participant To London as part of Team India???????? with another young Member. The session continued till 7 PM. Cadets made use of this great opportunity and cleared several doubts before end of day 1. 2.Unit had the honor of conducting Cdrs visit to the CATC location and inspected ongoing EXPA CADET Trg Pgm. Mr Balaji briefed the Cdr about their concepts of trg and it's impact on the Cadets Confidence in long terms in life. Cdr then had a very extensive session , share his experience and advised cadets to take the bound they have made during NCC throughout their life. 3.Cdr visited the improvised NCC Villege near the Bn Office based on Portable 2 men tents . Cdr appreciated the concept very well and advised cadets to have feel of staying inside in buddy, which cadets agreed. Cdr also witnessed